Image Sizing

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Once you have opened your image go to the “Image” tab and select Image Size, this will open a window where you can change the resolution and size of the image.

We are guided by the KCPA for the sizing and resolution of our DPI images as they are the standard they use and all clubs which are affiliated to the KCPA have to use these settings, if you enter a competition run by the KCPA and your images do not comply then it will be rejected by them

You will also need to set your colour profile to sRGB for any DPIs that you submit


Change the resolution to 300(see screenshot Below) I have marked the resolution with a red line.

Landscape Size

When doing a landscape image it can not be larger than 1400 pixels, the short side will resolve it’s self

Portrait size

The Portrait can be not longer than 1050 pixels on the longest side and the width will resolve on it’s own